Contact us
Before getting in touch with us, check out our latest FAQs in case your question has already been answered:
Couldn't find an answer? Get in touch with us:
Phone: 1300 966 784
Note: we are experiencing an extremely high volume of calls and emails at the moment so the phone wait time and email response time may be lengthy. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.
Are you a journalist? Please visit our media enquiries page >>
Write to us:
Zoos Victoria
Wurundjeri Country
PO Box 74
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Visit us:

Glen Eadie Avenue
Healesville, Victoria 3777
Wurundjeri Country
Open 9am-5pm daily

75 Lake Rd
Kyabram, Victoria 3620
Yorta Yorta Country
Open 10am-5pm daily except Christmas day

Elliott Avenue
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Wurundjeri Country
Open 9am-5pm daily

K Road
Werribee, Victoria 3030
Bunurong and Wadawurrung Country
Open 9am-5pm daily (last entry at 3.30pm)
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