9am - 4:30pm

See roaming elephants like you've never seen them before in this enormous 21-hectare habitat. With six different habitats and two large swimming pools, no two days will be the same for humans and elephant alike. 
Take a look into the Elephant Barn where you might see keepers training and enriching the herd of nine Asian Elephants. For a refreshing experience, cool down under the misting fans at the shade leaves, while continuing to soak in the wonders of this remarkable space. 

Plan ahead and take your time - you could easily spend an hour walking through the Waterhole and Elephant Trail, watching elephants explore, interact and engage with each other.

Asian Elephant

The Asian Elephant is a fascinating animal that was once widespread throughout Asia. However, loss of habitat and poaching has forced remaining populations into heavily forested, inaccessible regions.
Conservation Status