Open daily 9am - 5pm

Take a journey along the boardwalk and into the Manna Gum treetops to spy one of Australia’s most famous animals – the koala!

Don’t miss the daily Koala Keeper Talk at 1:30pm, where you’ll learn about these cute creatures and how you can protect their forest habitats. The echidnas also call this exhibit home, so look out for movement below!

Short-beaked Echidna

The echidna, also called the ‘Spiny Ant-eater’, is found in a range of habitats around Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Their small body is covered with fur and prickly spines. Echidnas eat ants, termites, grubs and worms, using their fast-moving tongues to trap prey. Like the platypus, they lay eggs but are mammals.

Southern Koala

The koala is a furry Australian marsupial found in gum trees across the eastern states. Suited to a life in branches, they have rough pads, long claws and two fingers on their front paws for a sturdy grip. Sadly, koalas are threatened by loss of habitat and the disease Chlamydia.
Conservation Status