One Grassland Earless Dragon


2024 Teacher Professional Development On-demand

Program description

This professional development has been designed exclusively for Teacher Members who want to include real-world content in their Science, STEM and Geography lessons.

These self-paced online workshops all run for one hour and come with handouts and ideas you can use right away

You will grow your knowledge, teaching skills and confidence:

  • Gain ideas for sparking student interest and curiosity
  • Learn up-to-date information and real-world examples
  • Discover real ways to consolidate student learning
  • Access lesson plans and resources that you can use right away


STEM and Design Thinking PD are Free for everyone.

All other PD is free for Teacher Members only.

Not a member? Join here

Further your understanding by participating in full day workshops at one of our zoos, with discounts for Teacher Members. Find out more here.

STEM and Design Thinking (Free for all)

Discover how to use STEM and Design Thinking to support your students to participate in the STEM Design Challenge.

STEM and Design Thinking (Foundation -Year 6)

During this PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach about animals using STEM lessons and activities
  • Discover how students can design and communicate ideas that solve real problems
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.2, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: STEM

STEM and Design Thinking (Year 7-10)

During this PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach about animals using STEM lessons and activities
  • Discover how students can design and communicate ideas that solve real problems
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.2, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: STEM

Early Childhood

Discover how to use nature-based activities to teach science, stories and Aboriginal cultures.

Nature Play in Everyday

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach nature play and science in any outdoor space
  • Discover how to connect children with animals and their homes
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.2, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: Science

Nature Play the Wurundjeri Way

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach about Aboriginal cultures during nature and outdoor play
  • Discover how to connect children to animals, plants and the land
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 2.4, 6.2

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Curriculum areas: Science

Foundation – Year 2

Discover how to teach Science using outdoor learning, nature-based activities and storytelling.

Nature Play in Science

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach hands-on Science lessons using nature play experiences
  • Discover how to use outdoor spaces to teach about animals
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: Science

Year 3-6

Discover how to teach Science using Australian animals, conservation stories and ethics.

Ethical Concepts (Year 3-4)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach Ethical Capability as part of Science
  • Discover real case studies that explore fairness as a contested concept
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 3.2, 3.4, 6.2

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Curriculum areas: Science

Plains-wanderer (Year 3-4)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to integrate your Science and English teaching
  • Discover a real-life story of a unique and endangered bird
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1.5 hours of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: Science

Aboriginal Cultures and Sustainability (Year 3-6)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to weave Aboriginal cultures and sustainability into your teaching of Geography
  • Discover real-world examples of how people care for the land and animals
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 3.2, 3.4, 6.2

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Curriculum areas: Geography

Marine Guardians (Year 3-6)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach about marine animal features, adaptations, life cycles and habitats
  • Discover how to use STEM knowledge and skills to protect animals in the wild
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.2, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: STEM

Orange-bellied Parrot (Year 5-6)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to integrate your Science and English teaching
  • Discover a real-life story of a unique and endangered parrot
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1.5 hours of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: Science

Year 7-10

Discover how to teach Science and Geography using real-world inquiry and ethical concepts.

Mountain Pygmy-possums (Year 7-8)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach animal adaptation, classification, food webs and food chains
  • Discover how to use a real science innovation case study in your teaching
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1.5 hours of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: Science

Science and Ethics in Zoos (Year 7-8)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach Science while developing the Ethical Capability of your students
  • Discover real-world zoo examples that you can use in your teaching
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 3.2, 3.3

Access On-demand

Curriculum areas: Science

Marine Guardians (Year 7-10)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach about marine animal adaptations, classifications and food webs
  • Discover how to use STEM knowledge and skills to protect animals in the wild
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos
  • A range of activities that you can use right away

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.2, 3.4

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Curriculum areas: STEM

Adaptations and Evolution (Year 9-10)

During this online PD, you will:

  • Learn how to teach adaptations, body systems, DNA and evolution
  • Discover how to use tools like scientific inquiry and un-Googleable questions
  • Watch behind-the-scenes zoo videos

Access On-demand

Recognition: certificate for 1 hour of PD
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 2.1, 3.4

Curriculum areas: Science